Professional Bat Knocking & Oiling Service
59,50 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 7 Tag(e)Beschreibung
- Professional bat knocking and oil service performed by experienced cricket players
- Bat is knocked with the help of wooden hammer and with cricket ball manually
- After every session of knocking the bat is oiled
- The knocking session is performed 2-3 hours in one day
- Complete knocking process takes 7-10 days
- After the completion of knocking and oiling session, the edges of bat are protected by protection tape
- Professional knocking and oiling service will help you to have your bat perform at its best level and last longer
- Its just a service and doesnt include delivery of any bat, tape, oil etc.
- Customer can add this service during the buying of new bats on our website or utlizing this service for their own bats which they need to send it to us to perform the service for them